Saturday, October 25, 2014

Top 10 HHN Houses of All Time

Its Saturday night which means my express pass is not valid, so I went in at 5:45, did 5 houses, and left by 6:30 when the crowds were starting to get bad. Now I am sitting here watching one of my all time favorite horror movies (Scream), enjoying pumpkin cheesecake, with the windows open in this beautiful weather. Have I mentioned this is my favorite time of the year? Since the rest of the night wont be spent at HHN I felt it was a good night to put together my top HHN houses in the 5 years I have attended. I have been through 39 HHN Houses, and these are the best of the best of those 39.

10. Nightingales (2011): The premise of this house puts you right in the heart of World War One, and the nurses tasked with caring for the soldiers have turned into banshees and are now terrorizing the battlegrounds. This house had a lot of great effects, including one of the most memorable ever where it looked like a solider was being ripped in half right in front of your eyes.  heres a youtube link to a short look of what the house was like

9. Evil Dead (2013): One of very few HHN houses ever that legitimately gave me the creeps every time I went through it. Based off the movie about four friends who travel to a cabin in the woods and open a book containing evil spirits that turns them into devil possessed demons. There are very very few HHN houses that a desensitized jaded person like me would consider scary, but this was one of them. The scene that sticks in your head the most is the scene through the cellar with dead cats hanging from the ceiling
The stroll through the forest was a highlight as well
And a full walkthrough video

8. House of Horrors (2012): In a very disappointing year, this is one of two houses that saved it from being a completely bad year. This house is memorable to me for its meteoric rise, as I hated this house after opening weekend, having it dead last in my rankings, and by the end of the event loved it so much that here it finds itself in my top 10. The premise is that you are walking through all the classic horror movies (Dracula, Frankenstein, Wolfman etc.) in "black and white." the whole house was not but flashing strobe lights against blacklit masks and props. A simple technique, and scary. Unfortunately, due to the extremely dark nature of the house, its practically impossible to film it or get decent pictures, but someone did try.

7. An American Werewolf in London (2013): On the HHN forums website for die hard fans of the event, this was recently declared the 2nd best HHN house of all time. I personally find the house to be slightly overrated, but its still an incredible house. Based off the classic movie, the house featured amazingly well done, and scary, animatronic werewolves.
I just felt a couple scenes in this house sometimes fell flat, which is why I have it a little lower than most people.

6. Dead End (2012): This was basically The Haunted Mansion in Haunted house form. Nothing more than an old run down house haunted by ghosts. Such a simple, even cliche idea, yet the house was so perfect in every way. This house is also memorable for being my favorite entrance for an HHN house ever.

5. Dollhouse of the Damned (2014): I know the last few weeks I have been saying this may be my favorite house ever, but the last few days of this house have left me feeling just a tad soured of it. If only the actors inside this house were a little more aggressive it would have stayed at 1 or 2 all time, but since a lot of the actors in the house are too timid it knocks it down a bit. still, the overall creepiness level of this house and the great different environments you go through still have it in my top five all time. Ive already posted plenty of pictures and a video of this house so I wont post any more.

4. Saws N Steam (2011): This house, along with Evil Dead earlier, are the only two houses ever that I myself personally found scary to go through. The premise was that in this utopian society the elite have resorted to killing other humans and harvesting their blood for water. It was far and away the goriest HHN house I have ever been through, and thats what makes it so memorable, and why its so high on my all time list. It was also the last house ever to be built in the Jaws queue before Jaws was demolished.

3. Halloween (2014): So Halloween has reclaimed its spot as my number one house this year, and also has been introduced to a spot in my top 3 favorite houses all time. Again, Ive talked about this house a lot, and posted pictures and videos already so I wont do more.

2. Cabin in the Woods (2013): This is my favorite horror movie of the past ten years, and the very first time I ever saw it I knew that it would be a perfect movie to recreate a house off of. The house did not disappoint in perfectly recreating everything from the movie, including the iconic elevator scene. The transition from the cabin to the underground lab was done seamlessly and made for great variation in atmospheres in the house. As close to perfect as you can get.

1. Catacombs (2010): The second HHN house I ever went through. The adrenaline and excitement I had walking through this house lit the fuse on the passion and addiction I have for HHN to this day. It is solely responsible for my love of HHN today, and for that reason it will always be number one. The premise is you are being taken down to the catacombs where the dead infected from the "black death" were buried, and they have come back to life. Unfortunately, there is no pictures or videos that exist of this awesome house, it exists now, only in my memory. A search returned this one lone picture

and this ridiculously dark video where you can not see a darn thing, but at least maybe you can get a sense of the house from the sounds.

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