Sunday, October 26, 2014

House Count After Week Six of HHN

This is officially the best HHN ever. I have never enjoyed myself more than I have over the past month. Not that this is the best Halloween Horror Nights in terms of the event itself. In that regard, as Ive said many times HHN has never been nearly as good since the amazing year of 2011. But just in terms of how much fun Ive had this was far and away the best HHN ever. In fact, this was one of the most fun months of my life period. In past years I have spent many nights at HHN doing my own thing by myself, and the occasional night with my dad or other friends. The truth is I love spending time at the parks by myself because I can go at my own fast pace and not have to compromise what I want to do. This year however, I have had the privilege of meeting  great new people and  over the course of the month that love HHN and go almost every night just as I do. Its been so much fun getting to know new people and being able to enjoy HHN in new ways. Interacting with them on twitter about HHN and "inside jokes" about things such as Bill and Ted quotes have been a blast as well. I am so sad to see it go this year, unlike in past years where I was so worn out and exhausted by night after night that I was kind of ready for the end, this year I wish it could go on for another month. I know come sunday, I will be super depressed. But until then, still four more nights to enjoy, plus my absolute favorite event of the year, the final Bill and Ted of the year! Its hard for me to put into words about the last Bill and Ted, so heres a copy and paste about what someone else said

The final Bill & Ted show will be the best of the year, by far. Every serious HHN fan will be in attendance. The show is about double the normal length, their will be extra jokes, the audience will shout the lines, so on. It's how most fans say farewell to each year's event.

For me its such a bittersweet thing. Its such a blast and theres so much energy in the building for that last Bill and Ted. Like I said, its my favorite hour of the entire year, and I just love being around hundreds of other people who love HHN as much as I do. But then as soon as its over that means HHN is over too, so its super bittersweet. And then the countdown begins to what should be an amazing year next year, the 25th anniversary year!

Roanoke: 16
Dollhouse: 26
Halloween: 22
Giggles and Gore: 26
Dracula Untold: 17
Alien Vs Predator: 15
Walking Dead: 9
From Dusk Till Dawn: 13

Bill and Ted: 14

Total Houses: 144

This is now officially my second highest house count ever. surpassing 2012's total of 131 and 2013's total of 141. Unfortunately I wont come close, nor will I probably ever to surpassing 2011's total of 226. The event is simply too busy and popular at this point to ever be able to pull that off again. 

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