Thursday, July 10, 2014

Top 25 Ride Rankings #2-1

25. ET Adventure
24. Expedition Everest
23. Spaceship Earth
22. Soarin'
21. Radiators Springs Racers
20. Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey
19. Toy Story Mania
18. The Incredible Hulk Coaster
17. Peter Pans Flight
16. Men in Black Alien Attack
15. Rock N Roller Coaster
14. Manta
13. California Screamin'
12. Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
11. Splash Mountain
10. Revenge of the Mummy
9. Pirates of the Carribean
8. Space Mountain
7. Sheikra
6. Jurassic Park River Adventure
5. Matterhorn Bobsleds
4. Haunted Mansion
3. The Amazing Adventures of Spiderman

Here we go, the top two rides I have ever been on in my entire life. Before we get to those though, i want to throw in a couple of more honorable mentions and add a few more notes. First would be for Transformers. I have ridden this ride a lot since I came up with these rankings and didnt realize just how much I enjoyed this ride. If I had a chance to rerank I would probably find a place for this ride on my countdown. Also, I have not yet had the chance to ride the newest ride in Universal, Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts. There is a very solid chance after I get a chance to ride that it will be in my top 10 favorite rides, let alone top 25. The early reviews are saying it is that good so I have very high expectations. And now, the top two

2. Indiana Jones Adventure: When I was first preparing for my trip to Disneyland, this ride was probably only my 4th or 5th most anticipated ride. I had heard from several people how great of a ride it was, but Indiana Jones is not a property that gets me all too excited, and to be honest I was skeptical that Indiana Jones could really translate all that well into a ride. By the time I had gone on it for the first time however, I was left speechless and amazed at this ride. The ride system is practically exactly the same as Dinosaur at Animal Kingdom, except this ride has some of the most massive and incredible physical sets I have ever seen in a ride, Disney or Universal. The special effects are absolutely top notch as well, with wind, water and fire all combining for a great sensory experience. And the finale is one of the best I have ever seen, as the famed boulder from the movies comes right at you and it really feels like its going to hit you right before you duck under it and escape into pure darkness. I would pay for a return trip to Disneyland just to ride this ride alone. Its that good.

1. Twilight Zone Tower of Terror: Its fitting and ironic and funny all at the same time that the one ride in Orlando I held out riding on for the longest time, the one ride I seriously thought I would never get the courage to go on, that that ride would end up being my favorite ride in the world. The highly themed queue, the creepy terrifying preshow, and the ride itself all combine for an experience truly like no other. What is so amazing about this ride is that it is just a drop ride, but in true disney fashion, they took a drop ride and threw in a ton of special effects and other scenes to make the ride that much better. That moment hen your elevator actually moves forward and you are surrounded by neat visual effects is the moment you realize anything can happen on this ride. And the random drop sequences add an element of surprise every time you ride. I knew this had to be number one when I realized that I still get that super excited feeling every single time I am about to get on this ride, and no other ride still gives me that feeling after so many times. My number on favorite ride, the Tower of Terror.

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