Saturday, July 5, 2014

Revisiting Diagon Alley

I had a chance to explore Diagon Alley for the second time last night, this time by myself so I was able to pay attention and explore the small details much more. The only description that comes to mind when exploring Diagon Alley is a complete visual overload. It is eye candy left and right, every nook and cranny filled with details. I spent nearly 3 hours last night just exploring and soaking up all the details of the land, it truly is a mindblowing new land that Universal had created. Here are some more pictures and an in depth look of each of the stores the land offers.

The centerpiece of the land really is the massive dragon that sits atop Gringotts.
Every single time it breathes fire (about once every 15 minutes) the whole crowd would stop, pull out their phones to take a picture or record it, and then cheer after it was over. Every single time.
Here are a few more pictures of the general area and the amazing landscape

The first shop to the right when you enter is Quidditch supplies, selling all sorts of Quidditch Merchandise
Next to that is the iconic Weasleys Wizard Wheezes. This is sure to be the most popular store in Diagon Alley

Across the way is Madame Malkins robe shop, selling the robes the students  wear in the Harry potter movies.
Going deeper into Diagon Alley, to the right of Gringotts is Wiseacres, an astornomy store. In terms of detail, this was my second favorite store to explore.

 On the other side, to the left of Gringotts is Magical Menagerie, a store that sells "pets" for wizards. That is, these animals are not anything you would see in the muggle world.

Finally, the best for last, Borgin and Burkes. Located inside the covered Knockturn Alley, Borgin and Burkes focuses on the bizarre and scary. Fans of Halloween Horror Nights will absolutely love this store.

The main restaurant inside Diagon Alley is the Leaky Cauldron, selling English food, with a large spacious dining room
I also got a couple more rides in on the Hogwarts Express and got a couple more pics of the amazing queue area.

There arent enough superlatives to describe Diagon Alley, and I havent even done the main attraction yet, Gringotts. This is not just my word, twitter has been filled with tons of people hailing Diagon Alley as the greatest theme park land ever made, and its hard to argue. One of the most striking and surreal things about it is how immserive it is. As soon as you step behind the London Facade and into Diagon, you really are transported to a new world. I completely forgot I was in Universal Studios, as you dont see a single thing from the rest of the park while you are in Diagon Alley. As soon as you step back into the London area and see the Simpsons ride and the rest of the park in the distance, it is kind of disorienting. I will probably end up back in Diagon Alley tonight, and tommorrow, and as many days as I can for the rest of the summer.

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