Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day 2 of Universal summer 5/23/12

Today I headed into the park very early, and Im glad I did because it is hot right now. After entering the park at 8:50 I immediately headed to rip ride rockit, which to my surprise had quite the morning rush. I got in line for it at 8:57 and was off at 9:05 so about a five minute wait right off the bat. By the time I got off the wait was already all the way down the stairs so a good 10-15 minute wait by five after nine.

After this I rushed over to the Mummy, where hardly anyone was walking in yet, no morning rush for a popular ride. I got in line at 9:09, a good few minutes after park opening but there was only four other people on the vechile with me. Off at 9:16. The timing of the ride was a bit off in the second scene, but besides that everything was flawless from my perspective. I took this opportunity to walk around and take a picture of soundstage 44, where a halloween horror nights house will be located in this year for just the second time in its event history.
This building has been shrouded in mystery for a long time. There has been no attraction in here since 1999, and it sits pretty much in the middle of the park so its a very noticeable dead space. It was used as a short time as an employee breakroom, but no one has been allowed in it for years, and some say it was basically condemned, or left to rot by universal with no plans for it whatsoever. It was a huge surprise when it was announced a house would go in here this year, as many thought the building was in such disrepair on the inside it'd be impossible to put anything together. I walked around the bulding looking for a possible entrance to the haunt, and found the most plausible to be on the side I took the picture. You can make out a ramp on the right side, that leads to a door, that'd be my guess to the entrance. The line is a different story. The lines for the houses need ALOT of space, shrek alley on one side usually hosts a scare zone, so thats out, the street in front of the house on the side i took the picture is an essential street to get from one side of the park to the other without going all the way to the front of the park so thats out, leaving the steet reserved for holiday and mardi gras village the most likely option. I noticed today the soundstage is considerably smaller than the others that host haunts, so it will likely take up most of the space in the building. Moving on. It was now 9:20, and Hollywood street was still pretty empty.
I moved onto Shrek, where the show I was in was basically full, this is another attraction that gets a big morning rush, especially with nothing across the street from it right now. When Minion Mayhem opens up, expect that to get the big morning rush with Rockit, and for the attention on Shrek to be taken away. I enjoy this display with the different handprints.

I got in line for Shrek at 9:22 and was off at 9:55. With a ten minute preshow its very time consuming even with no wait. walking down Hollywood at 10:00 where it is still very empty.
Moving around to ET, where the kidzone area, an hour after park opening was virtually empty. I got in line for ET at 10:00, and was off at 10:10, as short as possible, walking right into the preshow, and right onto the ride.
Oddly enough the same thing inscripted onto the bridge at the entrance of Islands of Adventure. ET has one of the most beatiful queues in Orlando. I couldnt get any good pics this time though. There was twelve people in the group, and twelve to a vechile so it worked out perfectly. Moving on to the rapidly moving along Spongebob store construction
Looking good
This is located directly next to where the spongebob store will be, so it would make sense to me to rename it to the Krusty Krab pizza once the store opens. Next I moved onto Twister, where the group was completely full, so the park, at least towards the front was starting to fill up.
Hard to tell from that pic that it was full, but its hard to get a good pic of people you dont know, you have to be quick and inconspicous.
Actual prop from the movie Twister
Ive seen people complain about the theming, or lack therof, to the entrance to this, but its themed like a warehouse entrance, which is perfectly appropiate. Anyway, in line for twister at 10:16, off at 10:37, so about a five minute wait. Five attractions accomplised within an hour and a half of the park opening. By now it was starting to fill up quite a bit down new york street, though Mummy still had a five minute posted wait time.

I cant begin to describe how important it is to get here at opening when your on vacation. If your here for more than one day, get here at nine (make sure your parked by 8:30), stay until about twelve, if your smart and quick you can get at least half the park accomplised in these short three hours. Have lunch, go back to the hotel for a nap, since you woke up early, let the idiots bake in the afternoon sun, and the crowds since middle afternoon is the busiest part of the day, have an early dinner, and return to the park about 5:30 (assuming closing isnt until at least 8:00) to finish up. If your only going for one day, you will probably have to stay the whole day, without the afternoon break, to get everything accomplished. Once Minion Mayhem opens this will change, but for now this is my suggestion. Shrek and Rockit get the opening rush, so skip those for now and go straight to mummy, then move to the back of the park, which will be totally dead until about 10:00. Do ET, Simpsons, Men in Black, all with little or no wait, and you should have four rides down by 10:00, by now disaster will be open, do that, as it will still have a minimal wait. Move onto twister, and catch the 11:30 terminator before heading out for lunch. The only things you wont have done, not including shows, is shrek and Rockit, youve accomplished nearly the whole park by noon with that model. On your way back in immediately do Shrek, then redo favorites or catch a show if you want to see those, or shop, then finish with rockit right before closing when lines will be shortest.

Moving on, today Ill be highlighting San Francisco, a very nicely themed area. Your first sign youve moved from New york to san Fran is a bike rental sign.

Its not for realsies just a prop. I enjoy these billboard advertisements, as I feel its very San Francisco/boardwalk like for some reason.

Theres a cute little touch with a mileage marker sign
This Ghiradelli is unfortunately not real, but its still a beautiful building for being just scenery.

There is no merchandise stores in San Francisco, but there is a candy store, the San Francisco Candy factory.

I didnt go in for fear of buying something. Some more nice touches in the area.

The only ride in San Francisco is Disaster! formally known as Earthquake. It has the same earthquake ending, but the preshows have been revamped.
San Francisco is also the new home of Jaws. In reality he only moved a couple hundred feet, but theorectially he moved over 3,000 miles.
Lombards seafood Grille is located here, which is one of two full service restuarants in the park.
Right next door beatiful pastries are available for purchase if your looking for dessert.
The other restaurant in San Francisco is of the quick service variety, called Richters burger company. It is one of two locations on property that has a coke freestyle machine.

Finally, Beetlejuices Graveyard Revue, which is a rock n roll musical show, technically considered part of San Francisco. Hope you enjoyed the pics.

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