Saturday, December 30, 2017

Top 12 Favorite Movie Scenes of 2017

Here are my top 12 Favorite Movie Scenes of 2017

12. Baby Driver-Opening Scene: The opening car chase of this movie was a perfect intro to Baby and perfectly set the tone for the rest of the movie in a heartpounding first five minutes.

11. Last Jedi-Opening Fight
This was my first time ever seeing a Star Wars movie on the big screen and I was immediately treated to a massive visual spectacle. The opening fight was an incredible visual display and started off the movie in amazing fashion.

10.  Spider-Man Homecoming: Washington Monument Scenee
Middle acts of movies can sometimes be a drag, but this sequence gave the middle portion of Spider-Man Homecoming an incredible sequence.

9. Kingsman-Lets Go Crazy Opening Sequence
The 3rd time already the opening scene of a movie makes this list. Once again this scene set up the movie perfectly, as I was instantly hooked and knew this movie would be a ton of fun.

8. Thor: Ragnarok-Gladiator Fight
It's always fun when we get to see two of the heroes go at it against each other, and Thor and Hulk being forced to fight in a Roman Coliseum style gladiator fight was a ton of fun.

7. Dunkirk-Trapped in the ship
No other scene maybe ever in a movie had me as tense and on the edge of my seat as this one. British soldiers are trapped in a ship on the beach as high tide rolls in. With holes in the ship water starts to pour in. The choices are stay hiding in the ship and drown to death, or leave the ship and risk being immediately shot down by german soldiers. Its as tense a scene as you could ever get.

6. Spider-Man Homecoming-Car Scene
Another very tense scene as Its so fun to see Michael Keaton slowly put the pieces together that hes looking at Spider-Man and seeing Peter squirm as he realizes the pieces are being put together and hes nothing he can do about it. It fully sets into gear the final act of the movie.

5. Kingsman-Saturday Nights Alright
The final battle scene is a ton of fun to watch, and with this Elton John song playing in the background it makes it even more amazingly fun.

4. Guardians of the Galaxy 2-Yondu's sacrifice/Funeral
Such a great finish to a great movie

3. IT-Bload Oath
Who would have thought a horror movie could produce such an emotionally poignant and powerful scene?  It's made even more powerful by those who are aware of the story and know that when they make the blood oath it is the last time all 7 members of the losers club are together as a group. It perfectly wraps up the first half of the story while also perfectly setting up the 2nd half.

2. Guardians of the Galaxy 2-Yondu slaughters the Ravagers
The beginning of Yondus redemption as he and Rocket break out of jail by slaughtering everyone on the ship. It is the definiton of badass and the song that accompanies the scene is perfect.

1. IT-Neibolt Street
 So much about this scene is perfect. Pennywise crawling out of the fridge as he slowly walks toward Eddie and taunts him, Richie in the room full of clowns, the "Very Scary, Scary, Not Scary at all" doors sequence, the moment where Pennywise s about to eat Eddie, then hears Richie and Bill open the door and he pauses, the moment where Bev impales Pennywise, and Eddies "Do not fucking touch me!" The best 5-10 minutes of cinema this year.

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