Monday, February 29, 2016

February 2016 Weather Recap

February was a slightly below average month, overall I think the weather for February was pretty perfect, there was a ton of sunny, cloudless days with highs in the low to mid 70s, which is right in my wheelhouse.
February did get off to a hot start though, with four straight 80 degree days. The final 25 days only gave us two though, for a total of six. Right in line with the average.

The Coldest temperature recorded was 39 degrees, on February 11th
The Hottest temperature recorded was 82 degrees, 3 times, February 1st-3rd.

Here are the final stats compared to previous years

February Average High: 73.0/53.4

2011: 74.9/54.9     
2012: 76.4/58.0  
2013: 75.3/55.0    
2014: 74.8/55.8    
2015: 69.0/50.4    
2016: 72.2/52.7

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