Sunday, December 20, 2015

Finall Fall Statistics

"Fall" has concluded and for Orlando it was one for the record books. The statistics do not paint a pretty picture if you prefer cool weather from October-April like I do. I dont mind the summer heat of May-September, I dont like it, but I expect it so its tolerable. However when the calendar flips to October I like my nights to be sweatshirt worthy with a nice cool breeze, and this fall simply did not fit the bill. I could have tolerated a hot fall if it didnt occur in the same year we had a record hot spring as well. yeesh. Theres a lot of different stats that show how grim and hot this fall was, but lets first just start with the average high/low of the past seven falls and how much this years temps stick out.

2015: 82.8/67.2
2014: 78.8/61.0
2013: 81.0/64.6
2012: 78.6/62.7
2011: 79.2/62.4  
2010: 77.4/58.2 
2009: 80.8/64.7 

Where do we go from here? Lets start with how November saw the needle hit 90 degrees not once, but twice for just the third time in 130 years, and the first since the great depression.  Lets compare the coldest record temp of this fall compared to years past. 

2015: 48
2014: 41
2013: 39
2012: 46
2011: 42
2010: 28
2009: 44

This is a pretty staggering one. How Many Nights did the thermometer dip below 60 degrees?
2015: 8
2014: 35
2013: 16
2012: 34
2011: 32
2010: 38
2009: 23

And how Many nights did it really get cold and fall below 50?
2015: 2
2014: 15
2013: 5
2012: 4
2011: 2
2010: 19
2009: 8

Interestingly, one stat that actually comes in at below average, is the amount of days we hit 90 degrees, thanks to only one 90 degree day in October. 90 degree days in fall come in as follows
2015: 7
2014: 8
2013: 5
2012: 10
2011: 8
2010: 7
2009: 15

Unfortunately all it takes is one look at the ten day forecast and one sees winter will get off to a record start as well. Considering the trend in Orlando has been above average nearly nonstop since March 1st one has to wonder if this will ever end.

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