Monday, November 3, 2014

Weekly Theme Park roundup

Now that HHN is over, I need to find something to write about for this blog, so starting today, and every Monday through the end of July (When HHN season officially kicks back into full gear)  will just do a weekly roundup of the latest theme park news and rumors, with an emphasis on any HHN news that will pop up sporadically for the next few months.

To start, another bit of news for HHN 25 has quietly circulated among the die hards Well the news of Jack returning was huge news that not only resonated with the die-hard fans of the event, but also the casual goers, this news has flown under the radar the past couple days among the hardcore fans. That news is that the actor who played Bill in Bill and Ted will not be returning next year and he will be passing the torch onto a new actor to take his place. This is really said news for me and many others. Well the same two people have obviously not played Bill and Ted since the beginning (I believe there has been 3 separate Bills and 4 teds in 24 years) it has been the same pair since I have been going in 2010 and its brutally hard to imagine watching someone else play the part when I have connected so much with the current two actors. This is not a confirmed thing, just a circulating rumor for the time being, hopefully he will end up coming back.

The final part of the major citywalk expansion, Cowfish, finally opened to the public yesterday, to huge fanfare. This was definitely the most anticipated of all the new restaurants, but I am not as pumped for it. Its a burgers and sushi place, and since I like neither, I probably will not eat there. The inside decor looks pretty amazing though, so its worth a look anyway.

Finally, the Nascar Grille Restaurant at citywalk officially closed its doors forever Sunday. No replacement has been announced but the hot rumor is a NBC themed sports bar, which would be pretty cool.

That's all for this week. 326 days until HHN 25

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