Sunday, November 2, 2014

Final HHN House Count

Its over. 28 night, 26 of which I attended, and its all over. I can honestly say this year will forever stand as being super special to me. I dont want to say I was falling out of love for the event the past two years, but I certainly didnt have the strong emotions toward it that I did this year. 2012s legacy will forever be remembered by me as a not very good year with a couple great houses that saved it from being a disastrous year. 2013 will be remembered as a year with 3 incredible houses and a bunch of average ones, and also for the year where the Red Sox won the world series which ate away at a lot of my usual HHN time. 2014 will always be remembered as a special year to me. I sit here at 3:00 AM, (thank god for the time change or it would be 4:00) and still cant sleep because of the emotional high and excitement of how amazing the last Bill and Ted was, mixed at the same time with depression that its actually over, and I am just not ready for it to be. Tomorrow will be tough as I will feel the need out of habit around 5:00 to get ready for HHN and instead will have to sit bored at home the whole night. There are a few reaosns for why this year will forever be rememered as special to me

1. The fact I had my liscense and a car this year, rather than having to bike or walk every night. This made me feel like I had more freedom and also driving around town at 3:00 am every night became very fun, relaxing, and therapeutic. Those 3Am car rides will now be no more.

2. Having my brother working HHN meant going to visit him at work every night, which was always a nice mid-night break to visit him for a bit.

3. The explosion of twitter and the event taking over twitter. Meeting new people and interacting with people that love the event as much as I do was a blast.

4. Halloween and Dollhouse of the Damned. Seriously two incredible houses that will forever be missed.

5. Bill and Ted: Every year I love Bill and Ted but this years show was special. It was by far the best one of the five years I attended, no contest.

Theres so much more that made this year special that I cant put into words. This year did not have the most incredible houses, aside from the top two, or scarezones, but it was just special. Thanks for the memories.

Finally, onto the final house counts. I finished this year at 180, much higher than 131 in 2012 and 141 last year. I was able to go through my beloved Dollhouse twice tonight, putting it at 35, which is a new record for me for a single house, surpassing Saws N Steams 34 in 2011. Honestly a record I thought would never be broken.

Roanoke: 21
Dollhouse: 35
Halloween: 25
Giggle and Gore: 31
Dracula Untold: 20
Alien Vs Predator: 19
Walking Dead: 12
From Dusk Till Dawn: 17

Bill and Ted 17

327 days until HHN 25. Jack is back.

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