Sunday, June 29, 2014

Early Review of Diagon Alley

Universals brand new land, Harry Potter Part 2, Diagon Alley, ran team member previews from June 25th-28th before the grand opening on July 8th. I got the privilege to attend last night, June 28th, and for just the 3rd time in my theme park life, when I got a first glimpse of Diagon Alley after two and a half years of waiting, my jaw literally dropped. The other two times this reaction was illicited out of me were my first time on the Spiderman ride in Islands of Adventure, and my first time through a Halloween Horror Nights haunted house.

Seeing Diagon Alley was emotional for me for a number of reasons. When the first version of Harry Potter land opened in 2010, it was awesome and amazing, but I had just moved to Florida at the time. With Diagon Alley, I have watched this thing being built from nothing but rubble and dirt into what it is today. Every day for two and a half years on my way into work I could see the construction progress. I can truly say I have never been able to follow construction progress on a new ride or land the way I have with this and for that reason this was extra special.

Now onto the land itself. When you first walk inside, all you see is the "facade" to the actual Diagon Alley itself. This "facade" of course is London, which is stunning in its own right. These London buildings offer no hint to the incredible magical land behind it.

Just as in the movies, you transport from London into Diagon Alley through a magical brick wall

And as soon as you make it through this Brick wall, this is the stunning view you get, with the lands main ride, Gringotts, at the end of the trail.
The massive dragon on top of Gringotts breathes actual fire in an incredible effect that is so loud and powerful that it literally shook the ground whenever it happened.
The main entrance to the ride is here, off to the side of the building. Unfortunately the ride was closed during team member previews.
All around Diagon Alley are shops that have incredible detail. Even for those who dont plan on spending any money, like me, these stores are still a ton of fun to explore just for the sheer detail

The attraction with the longest line for the team member preview was for none other than the ice cream parlor. Universals famed drink, butterbeer, has been converted into ice cream form and everybody wanted a taste.
It was very good, no surprise.

One of the Highlights of Diagon Alley is Knockturn Alley. Tucked away in the corner, Universal has made this into kind of its own mini-land. in the movie knocturn alley is the dark area where all evil wizards dwell, and Universal has covered the whole area making it night time all day.
The other main ride is the Hogwarts express, a train ride that connects the two parks, going between the two parks Harry Potter lands. This ride was open for team member previews so I was able to ride it both ways. First from Universal to Islands of Adventure. When you enter it really feels like you are entering an actual London train station.

And when you get to the front and the train reveals itself it is a great sight
The compartments you sit in are recreations of the compartments from the movies
As far as the ride itself, well it was neat, but its basically just a train ride with a few neat special effects. Its a mode of transportation from one park to the other. But with the long lines with will be sure to draw it will be quicker just to walk. Hogwarts Express is not meant to be the centerpiece of this new land, just a complement.

All in all, I will say I was blown away by Diagon Alley, and I havent even been able to ride the main new ride yet. Never before have I seen such an immsersive environment, as soon as you step behind that brick wall seperating the London Facade from Diagon Alley, it really feels like you've stepped into a completely new world. I was lucky to be there for for team member previews, with few people there and therefore enjoyed room to breathe and stretch my arms. Come July 8th, nobody will be afforded that luxury as the area will be jam packed from close to open right through the summer. I plan on spending more time in this area in the coming months and cant wait for a chance to ride Gringotts.

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