Sunday, February 16, 2014

Top 10 TV Shows of All Time

Now that I have finished ranking my favorite ice cream flavors, its time to move onto something else. There are many other things I would like to countdown, and for today I decided on doing my top ten tv shows of all time.

10. Hell's Kitchen: The first of two Reality shows on the list. The highlight of the show of course is Chef Ramsey's temper. Another fun part of the show, at least for me, is seeing the huge egos of these chefs that for some reason seem to come with the territory of the profession, then seeing them hilariously humbled by Ramsey. The show does sometimes seem contrived, but still entertaining nonetheless.

9. Goosebumps: I just got finished rewatching the entire series for the first time since I was a kid a couple months ago, and although most of the episodes are hilariously corny and cheesy now, there are still a few that stick out as great and creepy, especially for a kids show. When fall rolls around in a few months, I will probably watch the series again.

8. The Apprentice: The other reality show on this list, and the one that made Donald Trump a tv star. The show was better when it wasnt the Celebrity Apprentice and actually used people fighting for jobs. I have come to enjoy the Celebrity aspect of the show however, if only because the personalities are bigger than when the show would use regular people.

7. Malcolm in the Middle: One of my absolute favorite show as a teenager, another series that I just finished watching in its entirety a few months ago for the first time in a few years. A show that, along with Married with Children, began the dysfunctional family comedy after clean shows like the Brady Bunch and Cosby Show. What made the show great was the ensemble cast, to the point where the title character was possibly the least interesting. The clueless dad, gifted eccentric Dewey, the bitch mother and her even bigger bitch of a mother. This show also introduced Bryan Cranston, an actor made extremely famous by a show later in the countdown.

6. The Walking Dead: The most watched TV show of all time, currently midway through its fourth season. Maybe it will move up, but through 44 episodes, the reason its not in the top five is because about 15 of those episodes are painfully boring. The other 30 or so however, are high adrenaline entertainment about what life would be like if there actually was a zombie apocalypse.

5. Family Guy: Throughout middle and early high school, I didnt want to be known as a person who liked "stupid" comedy, so I tried my best to not like Family Guy, but I eventually gave in and fell in love. The show is stolen in my opinion, by Peter and his stupidity, but what makes this show so unique is the hiilarious qualities of the shows minor characters, such as Mayor West, Quaqmire, ad Herbert.

4. Impractical Jokers: I guess this could be considered a reality show, but I just find it to be pure comedy. I have never laughed so hard in my life watching a TV show. What makes the show so perfect is each joke has three seperate layers of comedy. First comes the pained look on the Jokers face once they realize what they have to say/do, then there's the part where they actually say or do the outrageous thing to the unsuspecting stranger. Finally, and possibly most funny, is the genuine shocked reactions from those strangers.

3. Seinfeld: The show about nothing and the first "adult" show I ever fell in love with. There's really not much to be said here, this show is just perfect comedy. Where the genius lies is the writers ability to turn outrageous, outlandish situations perfectly seem normal and mundane. Also the revolving door of boyfriends and girlfriends that each have their own strange qualities such as the "low talker."

2. Breaking Bad: Considered by many to be the greatest show of all time, the show about an innocent chemistry teachers slow descent into moral waywardness after being diagnosed with cancer and becoming a drug dealer, deemed a modern western. I was a little apprehensive to start watching this show, but once I did, instant addiction. Never before has a show made my adrenaline run, put me on the edge of my seat, and just riveted me as much as this show has. A show that rightfully claims to be the greatest of all time, but short of of my top spot.

1. The Office: Two words, One man: Michael Scott. The greatest TV character of all time. He always delivers in putting me in a good mood after a rough day. Thats what she said.

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