Friday, November 2, 2012

Final thoughts on HHN 22 and a review of the last Bill and Ted

Halloween Horror Nights 2012 has come and gone and my third year of attending this incredible event is behind me. In trying to think of how this year will stick in my memory it was hard for me to come up with an answer. 2010 will stick in my memory as the first year I attended the event and therefore that year will always have a special place in my heart. Last year will stick in my memory as the year I went every single night and for that it will have a special place in my heart. Unfortunately, I think this year will stick in my memory as the year of insane crowds. Thanks to the text message wait times I compared last years average wait time to this years average wait time. Last year the average wait time was 26.7 minutes for a house, this year?  48.3 minutes. almost twice as much. Those numbers include the first and last hours of each night which typically have no waits, so the middle of the nights would see average wait times of about two hours this year, as compared to about an hour last year. Overall the house lineup this year wasnt as strong as last years, but was better than 2010's, however the event as a whole, including street atmosphere was the worst of the 3 years ive attended. This is forgiveable because of all the construction going on in the park right now (transformers, harry potter) it was impossible for Universal to put on the type of grand scale event everyone has become accustomed to. There are 3 houses from 2010 that I miss alot, 4 houses from last year that I miss alot, and I think in a year, there will only be two houses from this year that I miss alot, Dead End and House of Horrors. Dead End took you through a house haunted by ghosts victims of gruesome murders that happened there. It was basically a walk through version of Disneys Haunted Mansion and it was an amazing house. House of Horrors took you through black and white versions of Classic monster movies, Frankenstein, Dracula, Wolfman, Phantom of the Opera, the Mummy, and Creature from the Black Lagoon. This house started off as my least favorite of the event at first because i thought it was to simple, but after several run throughs it was obvious this was by far the scariest house of the event because of how high energy the actors were, getting right up in your face. For that reason, I fell in love with this house. My final house count for this year is as follows

House of Horros: 25
Alice Cooper:19
Penn and Teller: 18
Walking Dead: 17
Gothic: 18
Dead End: 18
Silent Hill: 16
Bill and Ted: 23

Total: 131
Compared to last years number of 226, I didnt get through nearly as many houses this year. Again, the crowds.

Now onto the best part of every HHN, and a spectacle not to be missed, the final Bill and Ted show of the year. I think the fact that every year all the HHN dies hards spend the last hour of the event seeing the final show rather than getting one last run through their favorite houses proves how much of an impact this show has on people. The actors go all out and the audience cheers racously throughout the whole show, there really is no better way to end the event than with fellow Die hard fans of Halloween Horror nights cheering along to the final show, its kind of like a going away party.Here were some notable things that happened during the last show this year

1. After the opening dance number the actors would always dry hump each other for about 5 seconds or so before the principal of the school would break them all up. for the last show, the dry humping went on for about a full minute and a half, causing the crowd to go into an absolute frenzy the longer it went on.

2. During normal shows after Bill and Ted said theyd signed a domestic partnership agreement, and the principal would say, "thats for gay people", Bill would reply with a phrase like "Like Dwight Howard going to the Lakers gay?" or "Like replacement refs in the NFL gay?" there was about ten different ones he would use. During the final show he used all ten of them right after each other, with the crowd reciting all of them with him. After he was done, he pointed at the crowd and said "like the audience knowing my lines better than I do gay?" Then he looked at Ted and said "like wearing a wig thats the same color as your hair gay?" citing him wearing a black wig even though the actors hair is black. Ted replied "Like dying your hair for a theme park show gay?" citing the actor who plays Bill dying his hair yellow every year for the show. the whole part, which normally lasts ten seconds, lasted five minutes, mostly because they had to stop for a few seconds after each one to let the crowd go nuts.

3. During normal shows, a guy playing a high school teacher would slap one of his students butts, the principal would then look at him and say "yea, your fired." during the last show, the principal walked up and smacked her butt also. they went back and forth smacking her butt about ten times while the audience went crazy before they finally ended the scene.

4. When Bill and Ted introduce Abraham Lincoln (as the Vampire Hunter) during normal shows he would come out in leather pants, during the final show he came out in nothing but his underwear.

5. During the Avengers scene thor came out with ponytails in his hair, and the black widow, normally in a conservative cheerleaders outfit, came out in just a bra and skirt.

6. During the Avengers scene, when thor puts him hammer down, during normal shows Ted goes to try and pick it up, but can not do it because only thor can lift the hammer. During the final show, Ted lifted the hammer up off the ground, prompting the audience to go nuts, leading ted to say "Its just a shitty hammer, calm down."

7. During normal shows Ted would say "the best thing about America is, we have our own show every Halloween." During the last show he said "the Best thing about America is, we have the best fans in the entire world."

8. During the Avengers scene, when Hulk starts getting mad the Black Widow screams "Oh Yea rip your clothes off!" to which Bruce Banner replied "Seriously, you sound more desperate than Taylor Swift right now." During the last show he actually did take his clothes off, when Captain America said "Even in the cold weather Ive got more than that."

9. During the Snooki scene, after she has her baby, during normal shows it would go flying across the room and Ted would catch it. During the last show, Ted dropped it (intentionally) The crowd went crazy during this, because I think every one was expecting to drop it accidentally at some point during a normal show, but it never happened.

10. During the Obama rap scene, right before he was about to rap, he decided to call Michelle out to do the rap for him. During normal shows, a michelle obama characters was never part of the show at all, so I think this shocked the audience. This moment by far got the loudest reaction from the audience, as almost everyone was on their feet cheering.

11. During normal shows, after Obama was finished withi his rap, hed go to hand the microphone to Romney, but right before Romney would grap it, hed drop the mic at his feet. During the last show, Michelle actually handed it to him to which Romney said "Wow, you actually gave me the mic unlike your dick husband, Im putting you in my binder."

12. During ther dick clark scene, when dick clark says Ryan Seacrest was the biggest douchebag hes ever worked with, an actor playing Ryan Secreast came out and said "what the hell man." he said more but the crowd was cheering so loud I couldnt really hear it. Like the michelle Obama thing, a ryan seacrest character was never part of a normal show, so it was another big surprise.

13. During a scene where a guy is doing an interview with planned parenthood, the guy getting interviewed says "Thanks for the job, also I banged your wife." To which the person would reply "your fired." During the last show he replied "so has everyone else."

14. During the Magic Mike scene when one of the girls says "lets see your magic wand" the magician actually pulls out a wand, well the girl was insinuating she wanted to see his man parts. During the last show, he pulled out a wand that was about five feet long, to which the girl replied "thats what ive been waiting to see!"

15. During the princess pageant, during normal shows the judge would turn to snow white and say "Id love to dip you in polynesian sauce"' and then move one. During the last show, after he said that snow white pulled out a container of polynesian sauce, smeared some on her face and let the judge lick it off.

All those hilarious things, plus the audience interaction made seeing the last show an incredible way to end Halloween Horror Nights 2012. Cant wait until next year!

due to the increbly strict rules against filming the Bill and Teds show, this is the only known footage that got leaked this year. This is part of the dancing finale, not from the last show, but it will be the only way to relive this years show from this point forward.

Here are some quotes Ive read from people on Halloween Horror Nights forums the past couple days

Its funny how much i slept yesterday after HHN... i got home, ate, passed out... woke up briefly & then slept some more. This year wiped me out and I didnt even go as many nights as last year. Most likely due to having to deal with the crowds...

speaking of the crowds... awful awful awful. I never want to see another long line again... ever.. lol
(okay.. anytime soon

honestly feel glad it is over. in 7 years that I have been going to HHN this is the first time I feel that way. I never felt that way before I was always sad about the end of HHN. I would miss it. right now this week at least I feel a little bit relieved. It makes me sad to admit this, because of the crowds and because I Was not as excited to see the houses as years before. really this is the first year I felt this way, just glad is over right now. I enjoyed it a lot but I ended up skipping some days at the last week too.         

Its so weird because I honestly feel the exact same way. The one emotion I had when it was all over was relief, compared to last year which was straight sadness. I was just so sick of the crowds. I am going to immensely miss seeing Bill and Ted though. It was something I could look forward to every night to just forget about everything and laugh for a half hour. I love HHN for the houses, but Bill and Ted is what keeps me coming back every night. 322 days until HHN 23

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