Thursday, January 3, 2019

Bold Box Office Predictions for 2019

We've looked at the most anticipated movies of 2019, we've ranked the 2018 movies, and we've looked at the box office successes and failures of 2018. Now lets make some predictions on what will transpire at the box office in 2019.

1. Us grosses 250 Million: Trying to go really bold right off the bat. Jordan Peeles second crack at horror after the massive hit "Get Out" has stoked massive hype after its amazing trailer. Get Out made $174 million so getting this movie to 250 would be a big jump. 250 Million would also make this movie the 2nd highest grossing horror movie ever after "It." Considering the hype and anticipation, I think it will do it.

2. Avengers: Endgame smashes opening weekend record and cracks $300 Million: Last year Infinity War broke the record for the biggest opening weekend ever for a movie when it made $257 Million in its first 3 days. Thats still quite a bit shy of the 300 million Im predicting but the title of this is called "Bold" predictions.

3. Star Wars Episode 9 finished 3rd at the box office for the year: The craziest thing about this prediction is how it doesnt feel bold at all, it actually feels safe and obvious. The fact is 8 of the previous 9 star wars films finished number one at the box office for the year. the only one that didnt was Attack of the Clones in 2002 which finished 3rd behind Spider-Man and Lord of the Rings. So if my prediction comes true this will be just the second Star Wars movie ever to not win the year. But it just feels like there is no conceivable way this movie can top Avengers: Endgame or The Lion King.

4. Captain Marvel outgrosses Wonder Woman: Out of all my predictions this one is the one I am least confident in. Captain Marvel will be the 2nd solo superhero movie with a female lead after 2017's Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman made $412 Million, which with the mild hype the admittedly underwhelming trailers have generated, feels like an uphill climb for Captain Marvel. Still, right now the MCU is an unstoppable machine and by the time this movie is released, it will have been 8 long months since the last MCU movie was released and many people, including myself, will be starving for a new one. Right now Captain Marvel is predicted to make between 330-350 million so making the leap to 412 is not out of the question.

5. Detective Pikachu, Rocketman and Knives Out are the three surprise smash hits of the year: Ok, I don't think Detective Pikachu is going to be a suprise anymore. Before the trailer many people were skeptical of this movie being successful, but the trailer was so damn good that all of a sudden hype is through the roof. However I still think it will outperform what has become higher expectations than expected. Think something around 400 million. Rocketman is the biopic about Elton John. After the massive success of Bohemian Rhapsody, I think Rocketman can ride the momentum from that. Knives out is a still relatively unknown murder mystery, think a modern day Clue. Coming out in November, this could be the surprise hit of the holidays next year.

6. Toy Story 4 is a disappointment. When I make my list this time next year of biggest box office failures of the year I am predicting Toy Story 4 to be on that list. I think a lot of people wanted this franchise to end after 3 and feel the story has nowhere left to go and think this is just a cheap cash grab from Pixar. On top of that, Secret Life of Pets 2 is releasing just two weeks before this, so that will soak up a lot of demand for an animated family movie. I hope I'm wrong because like every 90s kid, I adore Toy Story, but I am not feeling the hype at all.

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