Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Ranking every Halloween Movie

On Thursday I get to see a movie I feel like I have waited my whole life for. A new Halloween movie on the big screen. With Jamie Lee Curtis and the original Michael Myers actor Nick Castle. Halloween has to be straight up the most wild and bizarre horror franchise in terms of the course its taken, and that is saying a lot because there is a lot of crazy horror franchises. This is a horror franchise that

-Has one movie totally unrelated to all the others (Halloween 3)
-Has a movie end on a cliffhanger that in the next movie they totally ignored and pretended never happened (4 into 5)
-Has a movie that has two completely different versions of it, a theatrical cut and a directors cut (Halloween 6)
-Halloween H20 ignores everything that happened in Halloweens 4-6
-The new Halloween ignores everything that happened in Halloweens 2-10, basically acting as a direct sequel to the first movie

That'a a lot of wackiness. Despite all this wackiness I love this classic franchise and always revisit every single movie in it during Halloween season (Which runs August 1st-November in this household) SO before the I see the new one, here is my current ranking of every halloween movie

10. Halloween: Ressurection-This may be my least favorite horror movie ever. It is straight awful and I am not the only one who thinks so as Bloody Disgusting recently called this the worst horror sequel ever out of more than 150 horror sequels.

9. Halloween 2  (2009): The second of two Rob Zombie Halloween movies

8. Halloween (2007): The remake does some things right but loses the fun of the other movie in favor of gore and a much more serious tone.

7. Halloween 5: Honestly Ive watched this one 10+ times and still barely remembet anything about it, so its pretty forgettable.

6. Halloween 6: This one is famous for establishing Michael Myers as not a human, but a product of an ancient druid cult who picks a vessel to cause mayhem on Halloween. A bizarre turn for the franchise and one that turned off many fans.

5. Halloween 4: Now we are getting into the ones I really really enjoy. This one sees the franchise at its peak when it comes to combining campy horror with legit horror. 1-3 were straight horror, while the later ones laid on the camp a bit too thick, but this one had the best balance.

4. Halloween H20: The return of Laurie Strode, this Halloween breathed new life into the franchise after the duds that were 5 and 6, thanks to a renewed interest in slasher movies after the success of Scream.

3. Halloween 3: The one infamous for not having Michael Myers at all. Many hate it, many love it, put me in the love category.

2. Halloween 2: The sequel to the original is not often seen as reaching the highs of the first, but I think its almost just as good. The Halloween atmoshphere may actually be better here, and the kills are top notch.

1. Halloween: Obvious. Ive never in my life seen a ranking of the Halloween movies without the first one as number one and I wont be the first to not put it there.

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