Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day HHN Rumors

Memorial Day weekend is traditionally the time when HHN construction shifts into full gear and we fully can start to separate between what rumors are just rumors and what rumors are actually factual. This year is no different as facades on the tent houses are already visible and the last ten days has seen the rumor mill ramp up tremendously. In fact at this point we have a pretty general idea of what the 9 HHN houses will be this year. Lets take a look one through nine, in order of how likely it is to actually being a house this year.

1. American Horror Story: A Second year of American Horror Story has already been officially announced, with this years house covering the Asylum. Coven, and Roanoke seasons.
Liklelihood: 10/10
Excitement: 8/10 The first AHS house was awesome and all three of the seasons this years house will cover had some great material for a house. Coven was a weak season but still has some moments that could make for some great scenes in a house. Definitely looking forward to year 2 of AHS at HHN

2. The Shining: Another slam dunk since it has already been officially announced. The Shining has been one of those movies that has been rumored for years and years to be coming eventually and the time has finally come.
Likelihood: 10/10
Excitement: 8/10. I personally find the movie slightly overrated. Its not in my top twenty favorite horror movies and It wasnt one of those movies I was dying to see an HHN house for but the reason this gets an 8/10 on the excitement scale is because early word from those who have gotten the chance to see this house already say that this has the potential to be one of the best house ever. That has my attention.

3. Catacombs/Gothic Mashup: This rumored house combines two of the most popular houses in HHN history. Catacombs was a house in 2010 and if you've followed me for awhile you know this is my favorite HHN house EVER! Gothic was a 2012 house and while many consider it one of the best HHN house ever as well I find it was a little overrated, though still a very good house. It goes without saying that giving my favorite HHN house ever a sequel has my excitement level piqued, I have been wanting this for 7 years. This house though unannouced appears to be a slam dunk as all inside sources say its happening, and the facade is already visible outside of tent 1.
Likelihood: 9/10
Excitement: 10/10

4. Scarecrow: All inside sources also say a house with a scarecrow theme is coming this year, though it is unknown which route the house would take. Some sources say a straight up scary scarecrow house taking place in the dust bowl is one possibility. Another possibility is a 3-D demented Wizard of Oz house similar to the Asylum in Wonderland house from two years ago. I'm really hoping for the first option, but option two seems intriguing too.
Likelihood: 9/10
Excitement: 9/10 if option A, 7/10 if Option B

5. Ash Vs Evil Dead: The original Evil Dead movie is one of the most popular and also one of my all time favorite horror movies and the remake which came out in 2013 is probably the best horror remake there is, and now there is a TV Show featuring Bruce Campbell, the same actor that played Ash in the original Evil Dead thirty years ago reprising his role. Its unclear if this house would be based simply on the TV Show or also include elements from the original movie. What is clear is this house wont be based on the 2013 remake because a house was already made for that in 2013, and it was my 2nd favrotie house that year and of of my top 10 favorite ever. No matter what comes of this house I couldnt be more excited for a return to the Evil Dead universe to HHN.
Likelihood: 9/10
Excitement: 10/10

6. SAW: Saw is probably the most popular and well known horror franchise of the 2000's and with an 8th installment set to be released this October it only makes sense to bring a house for it to HHN. There was a Saw house in 2009, one year before I started going to HHN and I was devastated that I just missed out on that house. I dont love the Saw franchise as much now as I did seven years ago, my taste for it has kind of waned, but I am still pretty damn excited to see this franchise brought to life for me to walk through.
Likelihhood: 9/10
Excitement: 10/10

7. Dark Shadows (Icon House): Signs point to an icon house coming with the name of Dark Shadows. And who could our icon be? Cindy Caine!!!!!! Cindy Caine is well known among HHN fans as the "lost icon." All the way back in 2002 Cindy was set to be the icon for HHN, but a string of Child Abductions that summer led to execs believing making the icon a child was a bad idea, so the icon focus shifted to her father The Caretaker instead and Cindy never got her turn in the spotlight, but the character remained popular among HHN fans. 8 years later for the 20th anniversary Cindy finally got her own house, but still no icon status. Now it seems 15 years after her conception, Cindy Caine will finally get her time to shine. If the rumors of Cindy finally becoming an icon are true the HHN die hards will have a field day, including me.
Likelihood: 8/10
Excitement: 10/10

8. Insidious: Now we get to the ones that are a little less likely and also dont have my excitement level up a whole lot. Many insiders are saying Insidious is indeed happening, even though its only been two years since the last Insidious house. a 4th Insidious movie is coming but the 3rd one flopped so the franchise seems to be losing steam, and even though the last Insidious house was good Im not excactly dying for another one.
Likelihood: 7/10
Excitement: 6/10

9. The Conjuring: Here we have a Scream situation from two years ago. Insiders are saying a Conjuring house is already built and ready to go but legal issues with the movie may prevent it from going forward as a house this year. Luckily Universal has a backup plan though what the backup plan is is different depending on which inside source you talk to. Some say an original idea (yes please) Some say old reliable the Walking Dead (GOD NO!!!) Just when we thought the Walking Dead at HHN was indeed dead it could come roaring in at the last second. If we end up with the Conjuring it'd obviously be a better choice than the Walking Dead but I find the movie overrated and also too similar to Insiduous for both of them to have a house in the same year.
Likelihood: 5/10
Excitement: 6/10 if Conjuring, 1/10 if Walking Dead, 10/10 if original house.

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