Monday, September 7, 2015

Where we stand on September 7th

One of my favorite "nerd" things is that I am very interested in weather patterns and averages. I keep track of how many days in a given month in Orlando are above average and below average and how many days of rain we get and how it relates to the average. This is my favorite time of the year because after months of never ending heat the daily temperatures slowly start to dwindle down, so on September 7th with fall approaching lets take a look where we are and how close we are to real fall' or Floridas version of fall at least.

First of all the maximum average high temperature and maximum average low temperature in Orlando both reach their peak on the same day: July 29th. After that day both start to decrease. However, one thing that I find interesting it that until about the beginning of October the average high temperature drops much faster than the average low temperature.

The maximum average high temperature in Orlando is 92.3 degrees. On September 7th it is 90.1 degrees, so we have lost 2.2 degrees off the average.

The maximum average low temperature in Orlando is 76.1 degrees. On September 7th it is 74.9 degrees, so we have lost 1.2 degrees off the maximum average.

The probability of rain on a given day in Orlando maxes out on July 20th, when it rains on 71% of that day historically. On September 7th, the chance that it will rain on that day historically has dropped to 58%, we are down 13% from the maximum.

If you are looking for a specific day this year in which there was a "dropoff" in temperature look at August 27th. In the 10 days before August 27th, the average high reached 94.0, in the 11 days starting on August 27th the average high has reached 89.8, still not low enough to say we have reached fall, but it shows that the relentless 90 degree days are more or less behind us.

Another interesting thing  to look at is how much daylight we have lost.
On the longest day of the year the sun rise at 6:28 AM and sets at 8:26 PM for 15 Hours and 58 Minutes of daylight.

On September 7th the sun rise at 7:06 AM and sets at 7:40 PM for 12 Hours and 34 Minutes of daylight.

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