Friday, May 31, 2013

The Universal Renaissance

The "Disney Renaissance" is a term thrown around by many in the entertainment industry to describe the period between 1989-1998. Before 1989, the Disney movie studios had been throwing out awful movie after awful movie, leading many to believe their time as a premier movie studio was finished. Then, in 1989, the Little Mermaid came out, and led a Renaissance of the Disney Animation Studios. Over the next ten years, Disney released along with the Little Mermaid; Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, Aladdin, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Pocahontas, Mulan, and Tarzan, all seen as classics today. This span is called the Disney Renaissance because it rejuvenated a dying Disney company returning them to premier status. Anyway, to the main topic, I use this term because I believe we are currently in the midst of a Universal Renaissance within their theme Park Resort. The Year is 2008, and Universal Studios hasn't opened a new attraction in four years, when Revenge of the Mummy opened up. Paint is fading, attendance is slipping, and Universal appears as if they've given in to Disney as being the only theme park giant in Orlando, and are about to fall into a status of being obsolete. Looking through different forums and going back to 2007-08, many people at the time were ripping into Universal for the parks being dirty, rides effects being broken, and the whole resort basically being in a state of disrepair. Many people look back on this time, now dubbed the "Dark Days" Of Universal and it is now generally accepted that the ONLY thing that kept Universal Orlando at float during this time without Halloween Horror Nights. Without the money this popular event brought in, its very probable there would be no more Universal Studios today. Anyway, the obvious parallel here is that the Universal Parks were basically the Disney Animation studios before the Little mermaid. So what was Universals Little Mermaid? Harry Potter right? Im going to say wrong and make the case the Renaissance of Universal happened one year before Potter, with the opening of Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit. When Rip Ride Rockit opened in August of 2009, it was a groundbreaking ride that allowed you to choose your own music and listen to it on the coaster. It was, and still is the only coaster in the southeast with a 90 degree lift hill, and it gave a thrill ride to Universal Studios, a park sorely lacking in them compared to Islands of Adventure. Looking back, August of 2009 was the beginning of a Universal Renaissance.

Then, in 2010, Harry Potter opened in Islands of Adventure. The island as a whole was a game changer, revolutionary, groundbreaking, and the first major addition to Islands of Adventure since the park opened in 1999. The main attraction, the Forbidden Journey, was hailed by many as the most impressive and immersive ride in the world. The dining aspect of the land was also a game changer. Butterbeer was introduced and proved that a beverage/food item can cause just as much buzz and popularity and be just as much of the theme park experience as a new ride can. Ever since Butterbeer rolled out, competing theme parks, and even Universal have opened new attractions with a centerpiece drink. When Cars land opened in Disneyland, Reds Apple Freeze was a highly publicized drink. Here in New Fantasyland at Magic Kingdom, Lefous Brew was the drink. When Sea World debuted its new ride last week, Antarctic orange chill was introduced to theme park fans. With Harry Potter, Universal now had a new major attraction in each of their two parks, restoring relevancy to their resort. Phase 1 of the Renaissance was complete, as Universal rode the success of Potter through 2011, without any major additions. Then when the massive amounts of money from Potter was brought to outstanding levels, Universal went back to work with that money with one goal and one goal only in mind, take a second shot at doing what they set out to do so many years ago: Take over Disney for Orlando Theme Park supremacy.

When we look back 10 years from now, I believe the period from 2012-2016 will truly be seen as a time of theme park expansion from Universal like nothing weve never seen before from any theme park. In 2012, Universal rolled out a popular new daytime parade, along with a new daily night time fireworks show. Now there was something in the parks to keep families there the whole day, rather than leave before the parks closed. Also opening, a new Despicable Me Ride, based off the most successful animated movie from any company since Toy Story. A new miniature golf course opened in City walk, and a new spongebob store was also open, the most immersive theme park store in all of Orlando. Again, all of these additions happened in one year.

Now here we are in June 2013. Two days ago Transformers opened, to absolutely raving reviews, most calling it the best ride in the park. Within the next week, the new Simpsons themed land will be opening along the old world expo strip outside the Simpsons land. This new land will be highlighted by what is being dubbed "Fast Food Boulevard." Universal took that concept of food/beverage being a big part of the experience here, with so many new food options straight out of the simpsons show coming. The frying dutchman, Moes Tavern, Krusty Burger, Panda Chicken, Lards Lads Donuts, and more will be opening at Universal very soon.

Looking to the future, Phase 2 of Harry Potter is slated to open in Summer of 2014, which will no doubt reset the bar even higher. In 2015, a new ride is rumored to be opening in Jurassic park, the current rumors suggest a highly immersive family coaster. In 2016, we can most likely expect a retheming of the Kids zone outside of ET, rumor suggests it will most likely become Bikini Bottom, hinting at a new Spongebob ride. Universal is clearly not finished, not even close. Other rumors without a set timetable include a new ride based on the Lorax coming to Dr Seuss Land, and a Fast and Furious ride, using the same ride system as test track, to  inhabit the vacant lot behind the Simpsons ride.

Probably the most remarkable thing about the Universal Renaissance is how the exact opposite is happening at Disney World. The last major ride to open at Disney World was Toy Story Mania, 5 years ago! The lack of action at Disney World has become a running punchline on many fan forums, especially when compared to Universal current actions. Many joke about the sad fact that it is taking Disney longer to build a basic meet and greet than it took Universal to build Transformers. The Seven Dwarfs Mine Train is set to open in December, which MIGHT be the first major ride to open at Disney since '08, but many are saying the Mine Train will be a big flop, and if thats the case Disney has no current back up plan in place and will continue to go without any major additions for at least the next 2-3 years. Many fans are upset about the fact that Universal seems to be inviting Disney to a theme park war, and Disney doesnt seem to want to play along. Nevertheless, we are in the middle of the Universal Renaissance, which continues in a big way this week with the opening of Transformers, its an exciting time to be a fan of the Universal Parks, and its only going to get better.

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