Friday, August 24, 2012

top 3, bottom 3 HHN scarezones

This site has been very MIA recently, and Im currently out of town so any real updates are still far off in the future, but Halloween Horror Nights is coming up, my favorite theme park event of the year, so this site will kick into full gear with the commencement of that. Tonight, however I will be reviewing my top 5 favorite and least 5 favorite HHN houses I have been through. I have only attended for two years, so this only includes sixteen houses, but theres still a decent amount to work with. As an appetizer I will rank my top and bottom three scarezones I have been through. Starting with the bottom.

3. zombiegras- This one just didnt do it for me. The music, the lights, the location all combined to be one big mess. There were few props, and some of the scareactors just werent quite top notch.

2. Nightmaze- Honestly, this should have been number one, but the scareactors saved it from that distinction.  Such an intriguin concept executed horribly.

1. Your luck has run out- Just one look at the Lady luck masks says it all.

top 3

3. esqueleto Muerte- this was the first scarezone I ever went through at HHN so has a special place in my heart. I loved the music, the location, and the set in this one.

2. seven - Great actors, great music, this was one hell of a fun scarezone.

1. 20 years of fear- a recap of the first 20 years of HHN. There was something awesome to see everytime you went through, it never got stale at all no matter how often you walked through it, which is why its number one.

tomorrow, the houses!

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