Tuesday, August 28, 2012

HHN houses

With just 30 hours until the big reveal of the HHN 22 website, I decided to write an article detailing my favorite and least favorite HHN houses over the two years I have attended so far. This is tough to do because none of the sixteen houses I have been through have been bad houses, but some are better than others. Going to the event multiple times per year, it takes about five to ten walk throughs of each house before I can make a full determination of which ones are good and which ones just dont work as well. So here are my top five and bottom HHN houses I have been through. starting with the bottom.

1. Zombiegeddon: this house occupied the disaster queue in 2010, and while it had good moments, ive never been a fan of zombie themes. Its to generic a halloween theme in my opinion, and I want more out of an event with creative geniuses running it. This house just didnt work for me, and out of all 16 houses ive been through this also has my lowest house count total at only 3.

2. Psychocareapy: It started out all with the window hallway, but after that I felt it was a bland house. The scale was to gray, and it never fully felt like an insane asylum.

3. The Forsaken: its tough putting this one here as it houses my favorite HHN scene ive ever been through in the courtyard, but aside from that one scene i wasnt a fan of this house. Not enough variety in costumes, and the description billed this as a war between the forsaken and the conquistadors, but you never got that impression at all in the house. The hyped hurricane effect was weak, and there was a long hallway of nothing immediately after the courtyard which severely hampered this house.

4. The thing: This is why you need to go through the houses several times to form a true opinion. I adored this house the first two or three times, but it got increasingly boring and stale after a lot of run throughs, the ones in my top 5 are the ones which never lost its luster even after up to 34 walk throughs. The scareactors just never did enough in this house to convince me an alien was attacking them.

5. The orphanage: Most people I know have this as the number one worst house over the past two years. I didnt dislike it that much, but it wasnt without problems. The finale was weak, the fire effect was overhyped and some of the scares were ineffective, but the chalkboard scene and the bed scene were really good in my opinion, which puts it above the other four.

Now to my top 5

5.  Nevermore: This house inspired by the works of Edgar Allen Poe is the most detailed non soundstage house in the history of the event, and it delivered. The highlight was the masque of red death room, but every scene in this room was impressive in its own right.

4. The inbetween: Both tent houses from last year make an appearance in my top 5. This trippy house made you feel as if you were on an acid trip. The quadruple whammy four scenes in a row was a great sequence, starting with the light scene with actors hiding in the wall, then the laser scene, then the string scene, finishing with the light up hallway. this was a fun house to go through.

3. Hades: the only soundstage house on my list, this house inspired by the characters of greek mythology was intense and fun. The highlight was the medusa scene, but the whole house was impressive.

2. Saws N steam: This house occupied the Jaws queue last year, and is, by a country mile, the goriest house of the sixteen ive been through, which is probably why its this high. The extraction facility was always a treat to see, and the leg rip scene was awesome as well. The overall nature of this basically being a torture facility definitely appealed to my taste as a fan of the SAW series ( though this house is not based off of saw at all, its actually based off the videogame "bioshock.") this house has my highest house count of any house ive been through, with 34 walk throughs.

1. Catacombs: The third tent house to make my list, this was the second HHN house I ever went through, and it has been my favorite since the second I first walked through it. It doesnt have the most detailed sets by an stretch, and there is barely any variety in costumes, but something about this house just works for me. I loved the finale, I loved the claustrophobic atmosphere, i loved the story, I loved everything about it.

Friday, August 24, 2012

top 3, bottom 3 HHN scarezones

This site has been very MIA recently, and Im currently out of town so any real updates are still far off in the future, but Halloween Horror Nights is coming up, my favorite theme park event of the year, so this site will kick into full gear with the commencement of that. Tonight, however I will be reviewing my top 5 favorite and least 5 favorite HHN houses I have been through. I have only attended for two years, so this only includes sixteen houses, but theres still a decent amount to work with. As an appetizer I will rank my top and bottom three scarezones I have been through. Starting with the bottom.

3. zombiegras- This one just didnt do it for me. The music, the lights, the location all combined to be one big mess. There were few props, and some of the scareactors just werent quite top notch.

2. Nightmaze- Honestly, this should have been number one, but the scareactors saved it from that distinction.  Such an intriguin concept executed horribly.

1. Your luck has run out- Just one look at the Lady luck masks says it all.

top 3

3. esqueleto Muerte- this was the first scarezone I ever went through at HHN so has a special place in my heart. I loved the music, the location, and the set in this one.

2. seven - Great actors, great music, this was one hell of a fun scarezone.

1. 20 years of fear- a recap of the first 20 years of HHN. There was something awesome to see everytime you went through, it never got stale at all no matter how often you walked through it, which is why its number one.

tomorrow, the houses!