Thursday, January 12, 2017

Power Ranking Lenny and Larry cookie flavors

A few months ago I stumbled across Lenny and larrys complete cookies. They have become popular the past couple years and the idea of a vegan, all natural, healthy cookie intrigued me. These are massive sized cookies that are billed as healthy, they can't possibly taste any good can they? Wrong! these are delicious and in fact I havent even bothered having another type of cookie since my first encounter with Lenny and Larry and over the past four months have probably had 3-4 of these things a week. Lenny and Larry boast eleven different flavored cookies and like with anything some stand out as much better than others, so I decided to rank all their flavors from gross to most delicious. Here we go

11. Coconut Chocolate Chip: Honesty time, I have not tried this flavor. There's no point. There are two flavors in this world I find completely repulsive: Pineapple and Coconut. Even if I would have tried this flavor there is no doubt it would have been dead last and I wouldn't have been able to finish it. Moving on.

10. White Chocolate Macadamia: We move on from the only flavor I didn't bother to try to the only flavor where I couldn't finish a whole cookie. I have had white chocolate macadamia cookies before that I really liked so I had high hopes but they were shattered. What I got was a bland and pretty gross base cookie flavor with way too many macadamia nuts and not nearly enough white chocolate pieces. The disproportion made me stop trying to eat this one after about half a cookie. This is the only flavor I'll never have again.

9. Lemon Poppy Seed: If this was simply a lemon flavor it may have bumped up a couple slots but the inclusion of poppy seeds added a texture that I didn't find all that appealing. This tiny seeds keep getting stuck in your teeth and make it less enjoyable to eat the cookie. The lemon flavor itself was fine enough, though a little too muted for my taste, I would have preferred it a little stronger. Still a flavor I wouldnt go out of my way to eat again, but I wouldnt be opposed to the though either.

8. Birthday Cake: I quite enjoy birthday cake flavored things so again had high expectations that were somewhat let down. The confetti adds a nice texture that I really enjoyed but the cake flavor starts to vaguely remind you of those days as a toddler eating playodh after awhile. Still an enjoyable enough flavor.

7. Oatmeal Raisin: I am not the biggest fan of oatmel raisin cookies so this one was up against the wall from the start but in the end was probably the best oatmeal raisin cookie I have ever had, though I haven't had many. The base flavor of the cookie was really good and the proportion of oats and raisins was perfect and added nice texture and flavor.

6. Chocolate Chip: The classic cookie flavor that ranks way lower than I would have thought going in. This is the one that suffered from being a healthy cookie. Unlike the other flavors I have had a ton of different chocolate chip cookies in my lifetime and this version just wasnt up to par with the others. This is the only flavor where I could really tell i was eating a healthy cookie with different ingredients. Still not a bad flavor.

5. Pumpkin: Now we're getting to the really good stuff. The first couple times I had this flavor I thought it was pretty decent, but probably would have ranked it seventh on this list. Then one time I decided to microwave it for ten seconds, and it made this flavor so much better. Warm is the way to go for this one as it really brings out the spices and makes the flavor explode. Lenny and Larry did a good job at nailing this classic fall flavor.

4. Double Chocolate Peanut Butter Swirl: This flavor combines two flavors that will be seen later in this list (spoiler alert.) You would think combining two of my three favorite flavors into flavor would be even better combined right? Thats what I was expecting too but sadly after trying it these flavor are better separate. Its still a really good cookie though, as evidenced by its selection at number four.

3. Peanut Butter: Now we are getting to the absolute heavenly flavors. This is another flavor that shines when microwaved for a few second. The peanut butter flavor is so much more authentic than any other peanut butter cookie I've ever had, and the baked in peanuts into the cookie make this flavor a slam dunk top three.

2. Double Chocolate: Every flavor up until this point was super easy to rank. But then I got to the top two and I honestly couldnt decide which one was number one and which one was number two. Honestly consisder this 1A, because I have a hard time saying this incredible flavor isnt the best. I am usually not a huge fan of chocolate cookies but the rich moist flavor in this one is so good. Bonus points for being a great pairing with mountain dew.

1. Snickerdoodle: There are few things better in life to me than a good snickerdoodle cookie, and this is the best one Ive ever had. First of all, the amount of cinnamon caked on top of this thing is obscene. I can never eat this one without my hands being covered in cinnamon by the end. The texture and doughy taste is perfect for a cookie of this flavor. This flavor also pairs perfectly with an Orange Mountain dew kickstart. With this one (and Double Chocolate) Lenny and Larry have created cookie perfection.