Wednesday, August 31, 2016

After a Brutal July, a timid August

Through the end of July Orlando was experiencing its hottest summer ever. July 2016 in Orlando was the second hottest month in the history of Orlando (Only August 1903 was hotter.) After that brutality we needed a mild August and thankfully for the most part we got it. Despite that, through August 31st the Summer 0f 2016 remains the hottest ever showing how insanely hot it was before August. Lets delve into August just a bit more:

For starters, there was 24 90 degree days this August, this was just one off the average of 25.
There was four days where the temps made it to at least 95 degrees, two below the average of six.
The coldest temperature recorded in August was 71 degrees. This was the coldest recorded August temperature since 2008.
Only eleven days in August reached a heat index of 100 degrees or higher. Last year had 24.

Here are our 90 degree days through August the past few years

90 Degree Days Through August
2010: 90
2011: 100
2012: 81
2013: 63
2014: 90
2015: 92
2016: 97
Average: 88

And our 100 degree heat index days through August

100 Degree Heat Index
2010: 48   
2011: 36   
2012: 11
2013: 9     
2014: 36    
2015: 59    
2016: 47    

As you can see our mild August allowed last years days with triple digit heat index surge way ahead of this year. But I still yearn for the super mild summers of 2012 and 2013. 

Looking forward to September our average 90 degree days go down from 25 to 18. The dew points go down, the sun angles get low and fall sets in. Cant wait.